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New Education Policy 2024 (NEP 2024)

Start Date : 2024-02-12 15:15:44 , End Date : 2024-02-12 15:15:44
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What is the article about New Education Policy 2024
Who launched the scheme  Indian government
Beneficiary Citizens of India
Purpose of the article The main objective of this policy is to universalize education and make India a global knowledge superpower
Year 2024
Scheme available or not Available
NEP Guidelines 2024: Key Points
• Holistic Approach: The New Education Policy 2024 aims to foster overall cognitive, emotional, and societal development of students.
• ECCE Emphasis: Focus on Early Childhood Care and Education ensures strong foundational learning for every child.
• New Structure: A revamped 5+3+3+4 curriculum structure integrates experiential and skill-based learning.
• Vocational Push: By 2025, the goal is for 50% of learners to have vocational education exposure.
• Regional Language Priority: NEP encourages instruction in regional or home languages up to Grade 5.
• Digital Integration: Incorporating tech-driven platforms like DIKSHA ensures accessible quality education.
• Rethinking Assessments: Move from summative to a more comprehensive, adaptive evaluation system.
• Teacher Training: Continuous professional development and training modules align educators with the new methodologies.
• Inclusivity and Equity: New Education Policy 2024 commits to ensuring education for all, irrespective of socioeconomic or physical barriers.

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